We invite you to read the series Parked.

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From the Colorado Sun:

The Colorado Sun assembled a coalition of more than a dozen Colorado newsrooms — newspapers, public radio, TV and digital — to produce a collaborative project that would have been unthinkable in the old days of cutthroat competition. Journalists fanned out across the state to look at what for many is the last form of affordable housing: mobile homes.

We at Table Mesa Village are grateful for the hard work of all the journalists from across all media who collaborated to expose the current plight of mobile home owners in the state.

Check out: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver highlighted the current situation with mobile home parks across the country on his HBO show, Last Week Tonight. He outlined the sad state of affairs in many mobile home parks, including our own, as they are purchased by rapacious corporate entities that see the residents as trapped victims who have no choice but to pay the exorbitant prices they charge to continue to live in their homes.

Warning: This is John Oliver and HBO so there is some adult humor near the beginning. Please bear with it, as this is an important video that lays out just how dire the situation is in our park today.

Mobile homes may seem like an affordable housing option, but large investment companies are making them less and less so.Connect with Last Week Tonight onlin...

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