“I moved here in May 1996. I love this location because it is surrounded by open space but it is easy to walk to the Skip or bike to Boulder, and it is easy to get on the highway outta here. A little bit country and a little bit rock n roll! I also love my mid-century modern mobile home and the garden I have been building for 27 years.”
Ines moved here in 2008 when her son was 5 years old. “I love the beautiful view, access to trails, and being surrounded by the best trails in Boulder.” She also appreciates the small size of our community, and her great neighbors, because she has always felt safe raising her son here.
Joel and Santino
Joel moved here after the big flood in 2013. “I love my neighbors, they are respectful people and we are outside the city.”
Gavin has lived here since 2008. He loves living in Table Mesa Village because, “It’s small and the people are cool. It’s definitely the nicest trailer park I’ve ever seen.”
Annie moved here in 2002 and although she misses the shady beauty that attracted her to this place in the first place, she says, “I love the quiet here, and how dark it is at night and the sound of the howling coyotes. The people who live here are very respectful of each other and the peace and quiet of this community.”
Morgan and Atticus moved here in the spring of 2021. Morgan says, “I love so much about living here. I love living modestly in a reasonably sized home, I love being a part of this unique community, I love waking up every day to soul-enriching mountain views. Affordable housing should not be the exception.” and Atticus says, “I like to walk across the street to my friend’s house.” Sadly the quickly rising rent has made it too hard to live here as a single mom and they had to move.
Peg and Laurel were giddy in their new home, 2008
Peg is gone beyond now Laurel especially loved winter in her quiet and cozy home/retreat space. Sadly she cannot afford the rent here since it started rising so much more than it used to and she is losing her beloved home.
Bimbo was born here in 2005 and he spent16 1/2 years taking long slow walks around this beautiful community. Sadly in the fall of 2021, he passed away due to complications caused by hyperthyroidism. RIP Bimbo, you will be missed forever!
R.I.P. Laura Turner the manager here for 50 years, from 1970 until 2020. She will never be forgotten.
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